Embedding a YouTube Video

To embed a video from YouTube within your admin portal, navigate to the page you want your video to show, select the section you would like it included in, and add your cursor to where within that section you would like it. Then select the YouTube module:



This will open a YouTube Properties window where you can enter in the information for which YouTube video you want to embed along with some other styling choices:



  1. Title: If you choose to enter text here, it will show above the YouTube video using the Title Styling (color and size will depend on the theme template of your site)
  2. Alignment: This will determine the horizontal alignment of your video
  3. Padding: Entering a number value will determine how much padding, or spacing, will be used around the video. The value is in pixels.
  4. Width: This allows you to enter either a relative width as a percentage or a static width as a pixel amount. Setting the width as a percentage will ensure that your video is responsive to varying screen widths of visitors to your site.
  5. Background Color: This will allow you to set a color to show around the video.
  6. Video Type and URL: You can embed either single videos or playlists. Once you've selected which type of video you're embedding, you'll want to navigate to that video in YouTube and then copy the URL that shows in your browser for that video. Paste that into the SingleVideo/Playlist URL field.
  7. YouTube Player Settings: These boxes allow you to set additional player settings.