Theme, Color Palette, Menu Style, Button Style

Themes, color palettes, and menu styles are all related to your site's overall look and feel. They are each dependent on the selection of the one before, starting with the theme. Selecting to change theme first will lead you to color palette, menu style, and then button style in sequence.

To change any of the above items, select Site Configuration from the menu bar on the left and then select Theme. Select the Change button on whichever item you want to change:



Your site theme determines the basic look and feel of your site. You can review the different themes and color palettes available here.

After selecting the Change button, select the thumbnail of the theme you would like to use for your site and then select Save:



Color Palettes

After selecting your theme or selecting Change from the Theme page, you'll be prompted to select a color palette. Select your desired color palette and then select Save:

Menu Style

Next, or from selecting Change from the Theme page, select your Menu Style. This determines whether your menu titles will be left, center, or right-aligned. Some themes will also allow you to add a logo to your menu. For more information on adding a logo to your menu, see here. Make your Menu Style selection and select Save:


Button Style

Lastly, or selecting Change from the Theme page, you will select the button style of both the Default Buttons and Action Buttons for your site:


When selecting the style of your buttons, you'll be able to choose from a set of default styles using the Change option, or customize your button style further by using the Customize button. Select the style for your Default Buttons first, select save, and then do the same for your Action Buttons:

The default wording of the Button text on your website can be changed by going to the Button Text management area.