Adding Search Boxes

NexCite includes a Quick Search and a Cruise Search.


Quick Search

The Quick Search box allows you to add a search box to a page of your NexCite site. To add the Quick Search to a page: 

  1. Edit the page you want to add the Quick Search Box to.
  2. Click on the Insert Quick Search module from the HTML Toolbar.

  3. Choose the options you want for your quick search module.

    Title - The title of your cruise search module. This displays above your cruise search.
    Specific Supplier - This allows you to restrict searches to return results ONLY from a set of suppliers that you specify.
    Destination Filter - This allows you to restrict searches to return results ONLY from a set of destinations that you specify.
    Alignment - Whether you want the module aligned to the left, right, center, etc.
    Padding - How much padding you would like around the module.
    Width - The width you would like the module to be.
    Search Exclusives Only - Check this box if you would like to restrict searches to return results ONLY from exclusive offers.
    Available Search Fields - Allows you to select which search options you would like displayed on your search box.
    Display Travel Type option as - Allows you to choose whether you would like the travel type to display as a downdown list or a radio button, or whether the search box should be tabbed.
  4. Click Ok.
  5. Click Save.


Cruise Search

The Cruise Search box allows you to add a search box to a page of your NexCite site that is specific to cruises.  To add the Cruise Search to a page: 

  1. Edit the page you want to add the Cruise Search Box to.
  2. Click on the Insert Cruise Search module from the HTML Toolbar:

  3. Choose the options you want for your cruise search module:

    Title - The title of your cruise search module. This displays above your cruise search.
    Specific Supplier - This allows you to restrict searches to return results ONLY from a set of suppliers that you specify.
    Destination Filter - This allows you to restrict searches to return results ONLY from a set of destinations that you specify.
    Alignment - Whether you want the module aligned to the left, right, center, etc.
    Padding - How much padding you would like around the module.
    Width - The width you would like the module to be.
    Border Style - Whether you want your search box to have no borders, square borders, or rounded borders.
    Color Choice - Whether you want to use the default colors for your site or custom colors for your search box.
  4. Click Ok.
  5. Click Save.